Machine Learning in .NET with F# and ML.NET 2.0

Machine Learning in .NET with F# and ML.NET 2.0

Using F#, ML.NET, and Polyglot Notebooks to Train, Save, Load, and Evaluate Regression Models

Matt Eland
Let’s build a simple machine learning training pipeline using ML.NET 2.0 and Polyglot Notebooks to explore machine learning in .NET with F#
Text Classification in C# with ML.NET 2.0

Text Classification in C# with ML.NET 2.0

Using NAS-BERT transformers to classify Text to Labels in C#

Matt Eland
Let’s take a look at how ML.NET 2.0’s new Text Transformer features can be used to perform multi-class classification and map utterances to intents.
What can you do in ML.NET with C#?

What can you do in ML.NET with C#?

Exploring the different machine learning tasks in ML.NET

Matt Eland
In this article we’ll use C# to explore the high-level tasks that ML.NET can do and where to find more information about each type of machine learning task you might want to perform.