
Language Understanding in C# with LUIS

Language Understanding in C# with LUIS

Getting started predicting with Language Understanding (LUIS) in C# using Azure Cognitive Services

Matt Eland
Let’s take a look at what LUIS is, how to configure it in Azure, and how to take advantage of it in C# code.
Understanding Language Understanding (LUIS)

Understanding Language Understanding (LUIS)

Creating and configuring a Language Understanding Resource in Azure Cognitive Services

Matt Eland
Let’s take a look at Language Understanding (LUIS), see what it is and what it can do, and how to create and configure and train one in Azure.
Using AutoML, Python, and Azure to Classify Die Hard

Using AutoML, Python, and Azure to Classify Die Hard

Using Automated Machine Learning in Python to settle a classic question

Matt Eland
Using a repeatable code-first approach to automated machine learning on Azure to classify Die Hard as either a Christmas movie or a non-Christmas movie.
Mastering Azure Machine Learning, Second Edition

Mastering Azure Machine Learning, Second Edition

The most comprehensive book on Azure ML I've ever read

Matt Eland
Mastering Azure Machine Learning is an amazing book for those wanting to dive deeper across the full spectrum of topics related to machine learning on Azure